Heritage Conservancy preserves 24 acres of diverse wildlife habitat in Northampton County

In January, Heritage Conservancy partnered with Moore Township, Northampton County, to preserve 24 acres of valuable woodlands and wildlife habitat.  The newly preserved property consists of gentle to steep slopes covered in a valuable patchwork of natural features from meadow to forest. The combination of meadow, shrubland, young forest, and streams provides habitat for a […]

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Community Science Recap: The Year That Counted

What is Community Science? It is scientific data and projects that are collected and undertaken by the public — not just scientists and biologists, but everyday people out in the field, logging what they see, helping count local wildlife populations, reporting their observations and experiences, and using various apps to share information. Some may know […]

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Heritage Conservancy’s New After-School Programs Served Over 60 Students in Lower Bucks This Fall

This fall Heritage Conservancy initiated four new after-school nature programs for middle and grade school students in Bristol Township School District. The programs served over 60 kids, teaching them about nature and their local outdoor environment. “Students really enjoyed the activities,” said Kaylyn Brindisi, Community Programs Associate at Heritage Conservancy, who led the programs. “A […]

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Nature Apps to Enhance Your Hikes

As you enjoy some late summer hiking, don’t forget to update your travel tools. Outdoor apps offer us a wealth of knowledge and information we can hold in our pockets, even for our time off the grid and in nature. Here are a few staff favorites to download and enjoy on vacation and even on […]

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The Shipley Lester House of Quakertown

The historic Shipley Lester House in Quakertown dates back to about 1815 and was linked to multiple notable local figures over its years. The property was recently added to Heritage Conservancy’s Register of Historic Places. Located in Quakertown Borough, the house has an interesting history related to prominent individuals in the community with ties to […]

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