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9:00 am
Supporting Environmental Literacy Across the Curriculum with the MWEE Framework
Join Heritage Conservancy, the Bucks County Intermediate Unit, and the Silver Lake Nature Center for an educator workshop. Become a Meaningful Watershed Educational Experiences (MWEE) Ambassador by completing the online MWEE 101 course and this in-person workshop. Learn how to use the MWEE framework to support environmental literacy across subject areas with your students. Location:
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Bird Hike
Join Heritage Conservancy and the Michener Art Museum for an exclusive opportunity to bird-watch and hike through the diverse habitats of the 70-acre Quakertown Swamp Preserve. Enjoy bringing the artwork to life from the Sarah Kaizar: RARE AIR exhibit as you explore Bog Run, and visit shrub wetlands, meadows, and forested areas to find a variety of
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