Hart’s Woods Preserve

Hart’s Woods Preserve

Located in Doylestown, PA, Hart’s Woods Preserve is Heritage Conservancy’s oldest preserved property. This 20-acre parcel of mature woodlands still exists today as a result of a century-long triumph in conservation.

Named Hart’s Woods Preserve in honor of its donor, George M. Hart, this property has had a history of preservation even before Heritage Conservancy was gifted the land by him in 1959. With a foresight and understanding of the need to preserve our natural resources, this parcel was originally purchased in 1906 by George M. Hart’s grandfather with the specific intent to protect the mature woodlands (some of the trees now stand 150 feet high and are believed to be hundreds of years old!) from being lumbered. The land was safe for decades until plans to construct the Route 611 and Route 202 interchange would have repositioned New Britain Road, cutting the road directly into the parcel. Had it not been for the priceless support of Mr. Hart, local residents, and environmental advocates, the original proposed route would have destroyed approximately 6 acres of woodlands and some of the exceptional specimens on the property.

Heritage Conservancy believes in collaborative stewardship and the need to work together to protect our open spaces and historic places, and the legacy of Hart’s Woods Preserve illustrates this mission in action. Because a group of concerned citizens joined together to protect this special place, we all continue to enjoy it today.

With support from local community members, Heritage Conservancy continues to monitor and maintain this wooded treasure. The public trail on the preserved was cleared with volunteer assistance to encourage our community to connect with nature on a preserved property. Hart’s Woods Preserve supports a diverse ecosystem with an abundant array of plant and animal life, so join us during one of our many scheduled hikes throughout the year on the property, or explore it for yourself! Enjoy!

There is limited parking along New Britain Road to access the property.