Nature Notes

Two Turtles for World Wetlands Day

Two native species of the turtle variety that are often found around or within wetlands. Wetlands come in a variety of types. Some are found along the coast, such as tidal marshes, while others can be found isolated along mountain ranges, such as vernal pools. Pennsylvania is rich with a variety of wetland types, along […]

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Three Reasons to Get Outside This Winter

A sleepy Great Horned Owl, normally hidden, stands out quite easily on a leafless branch. Winter has arrived, and for many, this means that time spent outside will more or less cease to exist. Frigid conditions don’t compare well to the warmth and comfort of the indoors. Yet, I wouldn’t be so quick to dismiss […]

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Endangered Monarchs and Our Role in Helping Them

Monarch butterflies were added to the endangered species list this year due to their rapidly declining populations. MONARCH BUTTERFLIES One of the most famous butterfly species, the Monarch butterfly, is not just known for its iconic orange and black coloration but also their unique life history. These butterflies make some of the most spectacular migrations […]

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Trees for Bees

Pollinator meadows are great, but what other horticultural options are available for saving the bees? THE PROMPTING QUESTION Earlier this spring, the owner of some forestland with an emerald ash borer problem asked me, “I really care about saving the bees, so how can I manage my forest for bees and other pollinators?” That question […]

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Meet the Marbled Salamander: Autumn’s Best-Kept Secret

Marbled Salamanders (Ambystoma opacum) are enigmatic amphibians who belong to the Ambystomatidae family, more commonly known as the “mole salamander” family. INTRO It’s plausible to assume that when most people think of autumn, pumpkins, colorful leaves, and costumes come to mind. But for amphibian enthusiasts in the Mid-Atlantic, the fall season marks the peak activity […]

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5 Native Plants That Attract Ruby-throated Hummingbirds

The Ruby-throated Hummingbird (Archilochus colubris) has an affinity for a few different plant species. INTRO Pennsylvania is home to an abundance of incredible bird species. Yet many, if not most, go overlooked. One such species is the Ruby-throated Hummingbird (Archilochus colubris). Every spring/summer, they migrate north from Central America to participate in the breeding season. […]

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Wineberries: A Tasty Opportunity To Take Action

Wineberry (Rubus phoenicolasius) Have you ever been out on a midsummer night stroll and spotted a red fruit growing on a prickly bramble? With the fruit itself made up of a cluster of small red berries, your instinct might lead you to believe that it is raspberry. However, upon closer inspection, you notice that the plant’s […]

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How To Help Endangered Species

Shown: Little brown bat (endangered species). One helpful action that can be taken to support this species is adding a bat box to your property, which encourages them to return for years to come! INTRO Our region is home to many threatened and endangered species, which means that we all have a responsibility to help […]

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    1. Aldie Mansion and Tree Tour 2024

      October 17 @ 5:00 pm - 6:30 pm
    2. Glow Hike – SOLD OUT

      October 18 @ 6:45 pm - 8:15 pm
    3. Flora and Folklore

      November 16 @ 12:00 pm - 2:00 pm
    4. Christmas at Aldie 2024

      December 8 @ 5:30 pm
    5. Supporting Environmental Literacy Across the Curriculum with the MWEE Framework

      April 9, 2025 @ 9:00 am - 3:00 pm