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A Productive and Enlightening Summer for Heritage Conservancy Interns

The Heritage Conservancy conservation stewardship interns from this summer. Each summer, Heritage Conservancy hosts four conservation stewardship interns who assist our stewardship staff in managing the nature preserves we own, all while gaining insights from various professionals in the field. These college students aim to pursue careers in conservation and will apply the skills they […]

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The Colors of Fall

Aldie Mansion, Heritage Conservancy’s headquarters, bathed in autumn leaves. Some of us welcome the fall season with open arms, while others dread the onset of shorter days and frigid weather. However, I believe that both camps can appreciate just how beautiful our landscapes become each autumn. A seemingly uniform blanket of green transforms into a […]

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A Vibrant Celebration of Nature at Pollinator Palooza 2024

What a day we had at Pollinator Palooza! Our amazing partners and volunteers turned the event into a vibrant celebration of nature, creativity, and community.   Kids at the Lego table had a blast building their own aquatic worlds, crafting everything from bugs to plants and imagining their very own ecosystems. Nearby, our hand-blown glass […]

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Nature Apps to Enhance Your Hikes

As you enjoy some late summer hiking, don’t forget to update your travel tools. Outdoor apps offer us a wealth of knowledge and information we can hold in our pockets, even for our time off the grid and in nature. Here are a few staff favorites to download and enjoy on vacation and even on […]

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10 Common Local Animals We Take for Granted: An Appreciation and Guide

Appreciating the Familiar In the spring of 2019, I studied abroad in Madagascar, an island where people live with some of the world’s most unique species. One of those incredible animals is the Panther Chameleon. This chameleon is endemic to northern/northeastern Madagascar and they absolutely thrive there. Seeing one of these large reptiles in the […]

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The Shipley Lester House of Quakertown

The historic Shipley Lester House in Quakertown dates back to about 1815 and was linked to multiple notable local figures over its years. The property was recently added to Heritage Conservancy’s Register of Historic Places. Located in Quakertown Borough, the house has an interesting history related to prominent individuals in the community with ties to […]

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Why Moths Are Underappreciated Insects

Polyphemus Moth (Antheraea polyphemus). Moths are one of the many forgotten but ever-important insect groups that we have. Their more apparent and charismatic kin, the butterflies, seem to garner somewhat lopsided attention and appreciation, as do bees, ladybugs, lightning bugs, and praying mantises. Many of our moths aren’t particularly eye-catching, and most are active at […]

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Farm to Table 2024 – A Perfect Summer Evening for an Important Mission

Over 200 guests gathered at Heritage Conservancy’s Russell-Mandel Nature Preserve on Saturday, June 15 for the annual Farm to Table fundraiser. From happy hour with music to plein air painting, an auction, and farm-fresh dinner in the fields, it was a night to remember! The event is one of Heritage Conservancy’s biggest fundraisers of the […]

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Thinking Through a Lawn-to-Habitat Conversion Project

Right now, if you look out the nearest window, I bet you can see a lawn. Or at the very least, you can walk a short distance to find one. As of 2005, NASA Earth Observatory estimated that the US has about 31.6 million acres of lawn across the country’s vastly different climate and soil […]

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