
Heritage Conservancy Leads Guided Tour of Historic Doylestown Area to Local Retirement Community Residents

Heritage Conservancy recently gave exciting guided tours to groups of local retirement community residents.

The Conservancy’s president, Jeff Marshall, led these tours. “Bucks County retains many varied landscapes connected to the past, “ Jeff stated. “Old farms from the 18th and 19th centuries can still be found between historic towns and villages.”

The “Back Roads of History” tour began at the Pine Run Retirement Community and crisscrossed the beautiful agricultural landscape between Doylestown and Plumsteadville, using the lesser traveled roads while pointing out the numerous historic houses and barns that can still be found in our area. A second tour, “Two Beautiful Boroughs,” took the seniors of Attleboro Community from Langhorne to Newtown and pointed out key historic structures, describing the architectural gems along the route as well as the historic background of the two towns.

Because of the enthusiasm these tours produced, informative follow-up presentations were offered. Discussions included the importance of protecting our natural resources and regional history, as well as educational lectures on the varying styles and structures of Pennsylvania houses and barns. In Jeff’s words: “One often just has to show people the beauty of open spaces and historic places to get them excited about preserving and conserving these special places.”

This program was made possible thanks to the generous sponsorship of Parx Casino. “With the support of Parx Casino, Heritage Conservancy has reached out to senior citizens who may not have otherwise had the opportunity to enjoy what makes Bucks County unique,” Jeff noted. “Those who took the tour remarked how nice it was to have a tour guide interpret the cultural and natural heritage of an area where they lived, pointing out things that they had never noticed or appreciated.” With the additional partnership of Newtown Historical Association, Heritage Conservancy was able to conduct these tours using a Philadelphia Trolley Company vehicle.