Help us decorate the mansion for our annual Christmas at Aldie event! We will spend the week after Thanksgiving decorating the mansion for the holiday season. Spread some cheer and lend a hand! Event capacity is limited. This event is free of charge and will be offered on the days of November 28th – December […]
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Help us improve the habitat at Croydon Woods Nature Preserve by joining us on November 19th from 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM to free our native trees from vines and pick up trash. This preserve is a publicly accessible green space and is one of the last remaining coastal plains forests in the state. Your […]
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On November 15th and 16th from 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM, come to Aldie Mansion for Fall Frenzy and help prepare the grounds for the winter ahead. We will work to trim back bushes, rake leaves, and complete other projects in the gardens. Your work will aid in the preservation and protection of this historic […]
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Join us at Russell-Mandel Preserve on November 10th from 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM as we plant native trees and shrubs in an area we’ve been working on all winter and spring. A healthy riparian buffer stabilizes eroding streambanks, absorbs excess water runoff as well as fertilizers and pesticides, filters sediment, and cools the water […]
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Do you have a passion for Heritage Conservancy’s mission and want to share it with others? If so, join us as a volunteer educator to inspire students during programs and/or as an ambassador to talk with people of all ages while helping to table at community events. Join us on Wednesday, November 9th to learn […]
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Croydon Woods Preserve is just a short walk from Keystone Elementary, and nature is an incredible resource for learning and wellness. Our event aimed to collaborate with the teachers and show them how to utilize the woods as a resource to supplement their in-class learning and engage students. Since we can’t be there every day […]
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Riparian Buffer planting (50 trees)! Join us on October 20th from 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM at Hart’s Woods Preserve as we plant native trees and shrubs in an area we’ve been working on for several years. A healthy riparian buffer stabilizes eroding streambanks, absorbs excess water runoff as well as fertilizers and pesticides, filters […]
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In honor of National Public Lands Day, we gathered together on Saturday, September 24th, to help clean Bristol Marsh: an important freshwater tidal marsh. Volunteers could choose to join crews removing trash from the marsh banks and trails or join DCNR guides with kayaks for a cleanup of the river and marsh. The more waste […]
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Join us at Bellwood Preserve on October 14th from 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM as we plant native trees and shrubs in an area we’ve been working on for several years now. A healthy riparian buffer stabilizes eroding streambanks, absorbs excess water runoff as well as fertilizers and pesticides, filters sediment, and cools the water […]
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After four decades with Heritage Conservancy, serving the past ten years as President, Jeffrey L. Marshall is set to retire on July 1st. He will continue to serve the land conservation and historic preservation organization on a part-time basis as a senior advisor. When one thinks of the character and essence of Bucks County and […]
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