A sleepy Great Horned Owl, normally hidden, stands out quite easily on a leafless branch. Winter has arrived, and for many, this means that time spent outside will more or less cease to exist. Frigid conditions don’t compare well to the warmth and comfort of the indoors. Yet, I wouldn’t be so quick to dismiss […]
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Join us for this week’s Fridays in the Forest workday! We will be working on trail clearing and maintenance at our lovely Fuller Preserve. Work level: Easy to moderate Tools: Loppers and hand saws (we will also have some available if you can’t bring any) Time: 10:00 AM – 12:30 PM Register: Register with Melissa Lee at […]
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Assist us with cleaning up and de-decorating the mansion after the holidays. We could really use your help with getting our historic mansion back in order and ready for the new year ahead! Volunteers must pre-register with Melissa at mlee@heritageconservancy.org or 215-345-7020 x120, complete a volunteer and attendance waiver, and comply with all procedures designed […]
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Each spring and fall, Heritage Conservancy volunteers take to the streets to save these cold-blooded critters. During certain rainstorms, amphibians migrate to their breeding grounds. However, roads often intersect these journeys, leading to unfortunate casualties. At two locations in Bucks County, Heritage Conservancy volunteers go out at night, often in a downpour, to help these […]
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On Sunday, December 4th, we gathered together for our 34th annual Christmas at Aldie event at Aldie Mansion! We kicked off the holiday season with lavishly gilded hallways, sparkling décor, festive music, and divine cuisine by Jeffrey A. Miller Catering. Together we celebrated our common goal of making the world a better place for generations […]
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For this week’s Fridays in the Forest workday, join us at the Pursell Preserve in Springfield Township to take down some old fences. In order to define livestock pastures and confine their livestock to their property, farmers would use wire-woven fences that were often simply attached to trees. We will be taking down and removing […]
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For this week’s Fridays in the Forest workday, join us at the Quakertown Swamp in Quakertown, PA to remove invasive species. Invasive species threaten our native plants by crowding them out and outcompeting them for resources. They also have the added benefit of not being encumbered by disease, parasites, or herbivores. Join us as we […]
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Monarch butterflies were added to the endangered species list this year due to their rapidly declining populations. MONARCH BUTTERFLIES One of the most famous butterfly species, the Monarch butterfly, is not just known for its iconic orange and black coloration but also their unique life history. These butterflies make some of the most spectacular migrations […]
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Do you have a passion for Heritage Conservancy’s mission and want to share it with others? If so, join us as a volunteer educator to inspire students during programs and/or as an ambassador to talk with people of all ages while helping to table at community events. Join us on Wednesday, November 9th to learn […]
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