General Nature Exploration

General Nature Exploration

  1. A Bed for Winter: Get warm and comfy, and listen to our volunteer educator, Patty DeMaria read “A Bed for the Winter” by Karen Wallace. Will the little dormouse find a bed for the winter? Who will she meet on her search for a bed? Watch to find out, then enjoy a little game to help other animals find their winter beds!
    • Video: Click HERE.
    • Activity: Click HERE.
  2. Backyard Bingo: We have a great learning activity for the kids to do outside, and Backyard Bingo is its name-o!
    • Video: Shannon explains how to set up the bingo board using sidewalk chalk. Click HERE to watch.
    • Activity: And you can pair it with the sheet provided HERE.
  3. Signs of Spring: Get outside and look for the signs of spring…flowers are blooming, birds are chirping, and the spring sun is calling your name!☀️ We always appreciate nature, but it is especially important for all of us to connect with it now. Nature can provide a sense of peace and help alleviate stress and anxiety. We hope that getting outside to look for little signs of spring helps you to stay grounded!
    • Video: Click HERE.
  4. Trees–Wonder in the Woods: Trees provide essential benefits to all of us. They help to filter the water we drink and the air we breathe, and they provide habitat cover for wildlife. You could even say that trees are quite magical, especially when it comes to how they make food! Explore Heritage Conservancy’s Hart’s Woods Preserve in this video while you discover the wonders of the woods.
    • Video: Click HERE.
    • Activity: Click HERE.
  5. Whose Tracks Are Those?: Get ready, kids, we’re going on a bear hunt! Follow along with Shannon as she discovers and identifies animal tracks, all while on the search for the golden fleece: a BEAR! Will she find one? Become a nature detective and learn about how to identify common animal tracks that you might find in your yard or on a nature trail.
    • Video: Click HERE.
    • Activity 1: Click HERE.
    • Activity 2: Click HERE.
  6. Life Under Logs: Microhabitats: Did you know that a fascinating world of life can be living right under a log? Join us for our Life Under Logs series, where we will explore the abundant life living right under a log. Watch to learn about the special life that can be hidden away in tiny places.
    • Video: Click HERE.
    • Activity 1: Click HERE.
    • Activity 2: Click HERE.
  7. Life Under Logs: Amphibians: Hop on this awesome video and check out this worksheet to meet some frog and salamander friends and learn about all of the cool amphibians that could be living under a log.
    • Video: Click HERE.
    • Activity: Click HERE.
  8. Life Under Logs: Decomposers: Continue your Life Under Logs exploration by learning all about “nature’s recyclers,” also known as decomposers!
    • Video: Click HERE.
    • Activity: Click HERE.