Business Partnership
Business partners consist of a variety of companies, big and small, making a difference in their communities.
Funds generated by the program provide vital support, advancing Heritage Conservancy’s mission of land conservation, historic preservation, and community engagement.

Emily Bonavitacola
Senior Development Associate
215-345-7020 ext. 107
The following are Heritage Conservancy’s Business Leaders that go above and beyond in making our mission a success for your community:
Thank you also to these business supporters:
Bustamante Engineers
Curtin & Heefner, LLP
Eastburn & Gray, P.C.
Jarrett Vaughan Builders
Langan Environmental Services
NJM Insurance Group
Peddler’s Village Association
The Steve Darlington Team – Berkshire Hathaway / Fox & Roach
Thank you to our in-kind supporters:
Bucks Country Gardens
Bucks County Women’s Journal
Dear Garden Associates
Jamie Hollander Catering & Events
Ralph C. Fey Architects
Solid Products