Chimney Swifts: A Species in Decline

A chimney swift darts over a pond in Prospect Park in NYC. Photo by Ryan Mandelbaum. Introduction The US Committee of the North American Bird Conservation Initiative (NABCI) published its State of the Birds 2022 report last fall. Among its key findings is a list of birds whose populations have fallen by half between 1970–2019, […]

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Fridays in the Forest Workday: Fuller-Pursell Preserve

Project: Due to the loss of the ash tree as a functional member of the forest, large gaps have been created in the canopy; due to the severe deer pressure and quick spread of invasive species, native seedlings need our protection. Join us at our Fuller-Pursell Preserve as we seek native, naturally-regenerating seedlings to either […]

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Fridays in the Forest Workday: Buckingham Mountain

Project: Invasive species threaten our native plants by crowding them out and outcompeting them for resources. They also have the added benefit of being unencumbered by diseases, parasites, and herbivores. Join us as we work to remove them from around our native plants to give them the space they need to thrive. Work level: Easy […]

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Find These Three Mushrooms of Summer

We’ve reached the depths of summer, as evidenced by intense waves of heat and humidity. Solace from our powerful sun awaits beneath the shade of trees, and lucky for us, interesting organisms exist there too. Mushrooms occupy the forest floors throughout the year, but in late summer – and even more so in early fall […]

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Fridays in the Forest Workday: Fuller-Pursell Preserve

Project: Due to the loss of the ash tree as a functional member of the forest, large gaps have been created in the canopy; due to the severe deer pressure and quick spread of invasive species, native seedlings need our protection. Join us at our Fuller-Pursell Preserve as we seek native, naturally-regenerating seedlings to either […]

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Fridays in the Forest Workday: Russell-Mandel Preserve

Project: With Farm to Table tomorrow, help us to put the final touches on the gardens and landscaping at our Russell-Mandel Preserve. Weeding, pruning, and sprucing up the mulch are the order for the day. Work level: Easy Tools: Garden tools Register: Register with Melissa Lee at or 215-345-7020 x 120 Special thanks to Marv […]

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Fridays in the Forest Workday: Buckingham Mountain

Project: Invasive species threaten our native plants by crowding them out and outcompeting them for resources. They also have the added benefit of being unencumbered by diseases, parasites, and herbivores. Join us as we work to remove them from around our native plants to give them the space they need to thrive. Work level: Easy […]

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The Mountain Laurel – PA’s State Flower

Mountain laurels (Kalmia latifolia) blooming on one of Heritage Conservancy’s properties. Mountain laurels are gorgeous shrubs that have been Pennsylvania’s state flower since 1933. It is one of the few evergreen shrubs that is native to Pennsylvania, however it is very widespread across the state. It is in the heath family living on drier, more […]

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Fridays in the Forest Workday: Durham Bat Mine

Project: Once upon a time, this mine had the largest colony of bats in eastern Pennsylvania. Unfortunately, white-nose syndrome has decimated the population to a tiny fraction of what it once was. However, the bats will return! Populations in other parts of the world, struck down by white-nose, are starting to rebound – albeit slowly. […]

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    1. Volunteer Information Session

      March 27 @ 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm
    2. Aldie Spring Garden Cleanup

      April 1 @ 9:30 am - 3:30 pm
    3. Supporting Environmental Literacy Across the Curriculum with the MWEE Framework

      April 9 @ 9:00 am - 3:00 pm
    4. Kindness Rocks

      April 11 @ 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm
    5. Mulch Madness

      April 15 @ 9:30 am - 3:30 pm