News & Events

Trees for Bees

Pollinator meadows are great, but what other horticultural options are available for saving the bees? THE PROMPTING QUESTION Earlier this spring, the owner of some forestland with an emerald ash borer problem asked me, “I really care about saving the bees, so how can I manage my forest for bees and other pollinators?” That question […]

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Teachers Experience at Croydon Woods Preserve

Croydon Woods Preserve is just a short walk from Keystone Elementary, and nature is an incredible resource for learning and wellness. Our event aimed to collaborate with the teachers and show them how to utilize the woods as a resource to supplement their in-class learning and engage students. Since we can’t be there every day […]

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Heritage Conservancy and Fairmont WaterWorks Launch Guide for Social-Emotional Learning

Heritage Conservancy and Fairmount WaterWorks are excited to launch their Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) and Nature Guide for teachers, administrators, counselors, parents, and peers interested in providing nature-related activities. The guide consists of thirteen activities, handouts, tools, and resources designed to use children’s experiences in nature as a doorway to encourage and support SEL in and […]

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Fall Mushroom Hike at Hart’s Woods Nature Preserve With Luke Smithson

Have you ever wondered about the mushrooms you come across locally? Are they poisonous? What value do they provide to us? To our environment? Which mushrooms can you eat? On Sunday, October 9th, Heritage Conservancy hosted its Fall Mushroom Hike at Hart’s Woods Nature Preserve––a mature forest that was inducted into the nationwide Old Growth […]

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River Days Cleanup at Bristol Marsh Nature Preserve

In honor of National Public Lands Day, we gathered together on Saturday, September 24th, to help clean Bristol Marsh: an important freshwater tidal marsh. Volunteers could choose to join crews removing trash from the marsh banks and trails or join DCNR guides with kayaks for a cleanup of the river and marsh. The more waste […]

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Meet the Marbled Salamander: Autumn’s Best-Kept Secret

Marbled Salamanders (Ambystoma opacum) are enigmatic amphibians who belong to the Ambystomatidae family, more commonly known as the “mole salamander” family. INTRO It’s plausible to assume that when most people think of autumn, pumpkins, colorful leaves, and costumes come to mind. But for amphibian enthusiasts in the Mid-Atlantic, the fall season marks the peak activity […]

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Invasive Species Meet & Eat Classes

Participants explore examples of local invasive plant species during our Meet & Eat class series. Photo courtesy of Heritage Conservancy.  Conservation easements are a strong land conservation tool in Heritage Conservancy’s toolbelt as a land trust, but the larger objectives of protecting regional biodiversity and combating climate change require proactive work beyond easements. That’s why […]

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The Grand Theater joins Heritage Conservancy’s Register of Historic Places

The Grand Theater located in East Greenville, PA. Photo courtesy of the Grand Theater. Last month, Heritage Conservancy’s Historical Review Board met and voted to accept the Grand Theater into its Register of Historic Places. The Historical Review Board is a volunteer committee organized by Heritage Conservancy that meets four times a year to review […]

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5 Native Plants That Attract Ruby-throated Hummingbirds

The Ruby-throated Hummingbird (Archilochus colubris) has an affinity for a few different plant species. INTRO Pennsylvania is home to an abundance of incredible bird species. Yet many, if not most, go overlooked. One such species is the Ruby-throated Hummingbird (Archilochus colubris). Every spring/summer, they migrate north from Central America to participate in the breeding season. […]

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Farm to Table 2022

We are so grateful to everyone that could join us at Farm to Table this year! After a considerable break, it was wonderful to gather again in person with so many of you. Your shared passion for preserving and protecting our natural and historic heritage is inspiring! We hope everyone enjoyed themselves exploring Russell-Mandel Preserve […]

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