News & Events

A Message From Heritage Conservancy’s President On the Recent Rollback of Clean Water Protections

Yesterday, it was announced that millions of miles of streams and about half of the country’s wetlands were removed from federal protection by the current administration and the EPA. The EPA’s own advisory board criticized this plan. The rollback of these clean water protections should have all of us concerned. We now have in place […]

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A Statement from Our President On the Passing of Former Bucks County Congressman Mike Fitzpatrick

Heritage Conservancy staff and board are saddened by the news of the recent passing of former Bucks County Congressman Mike Fitzpatrick. Below is a statement from Jeff Marshall, Heritage Conservancy’s President: “From his time as Bucks County Commissioner, Mike Fitzpatrick has been a champion of protecting open spaces. The local legacy that he leaves behind […]

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Heritage Conservancy Facilitates the Preservation of Clymer Farm in Richland Township

Working in partnership with Richland Township, Heritage Conservancy facilitated the preservation of 55 acres of land in the Quakertown area. Owned by Kathy and Lee Clymer, the Clymer Farm contains agricultural fields, pastures, a portion of the Tohickon Creek, forested areas, and a pond, and it is currently being utilized as an equestrian farm. Located […]

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Women, Land, and Legacy

On November 19th, Heritage Conservancy partnered with the Glenmede Trust Company, N.A., an investment and private wealth management firm, to facilitate a discussion on women in philanthropy. Over 40 guests were in attendance for this second event of a three-part series hosted by the Conservancy and Glenmede. Kris Kern, Heritage Conservancy’s Director of Resource Protection, […]

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Mast Trees: Capturing the Fruits of Their Labor

In last month’s Heritage Happenings and on Facebook, we shared a video of beech trees “raining” beech nuts at our Hart’s Woods Preserve in Doylestown. Capturing a moment like this is exciting and rare, and it begs the question–what was happening and why? Beech trees fall under the category of tree called mast trees. “Mast” […]

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Heritage Conservancy Adds White Bridge Farm to Its Register of Historic Places

Heritage Conservancy is proud to announce that another listing has been added to our Register of Historic Places, this one in the form of White Bridge Farm! Located in Rushland, Bucks County, the land was originally owned by John Wilkinson in the early 18th century and passed down through several generations until the mid-19th century. […]

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Pennsylvania Impressionist Exhibit at Gratz Gallery Will Support Land and Historic Preservation

At the beginning of October, Heritage Conservancy staff members helped welcome attendees to the Gratz Gallery’s exhibit opening of “The Beauty of Bucks County.” Over 200 community members entered the gallery to gaze upon paintings from Edward Redfield, Daniel Garber, George Sotter, and the likes. With renowned names like those, it is a truly special […]

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Trumbauersville Borough Acquires 8.5-acre Property to Add to Community Park With Support from Heritage Conservancy

Trumbauersville Borough recently added a neighboring 8.5-acre piece of land to its 12-acre Veterans Park, which currently provides public active recreation opportunities such as a playground, basketball court, and a ball field. Heritage Conservancy supported the Borough in this property acquisition by completing the grant applications to seek funding from the Pennsylvania Department of Conservation […]

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Old-Growth Forests Bring New Life

This Saturday, November 2nd, Heritage Conservancy and Doylestown Township will celebrate the dedication of Hart’s Woods Preserve into the Old-Growth Forest Network! This 20-acre portion of woods is a classic Eastern hardwood climax mature forest populated by massive American beech and oak trees and younger species like red maple and tulip poplar. So what exactly […]

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Promoting Pollinator Species

Many of our pollinator species are at risk, and one reason for that is because of habitat loss. Pollinators species, such as butterflies and bees, are responsible for about 40% of food crop production, so it is especially important that we take action to help. With community support, Heritage Conservancy staff members have been working […]

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