b'NATURE AS A CONNECTORMACROINVERTEBRATE SURVEY Volunteers joined HC staff and the Cooks Creek Watershed Association to conduct a macroinvertebrate surveyin Cooks Creek to determine aquatic macroinvertebrate diversity and stream health. RIVER DAYS CLEANUP AT BRISTOL MARSH NATURE PRESERVE In honor of National Public Lands Day, we gathered together on Saturday, September 24th 2022 to help clean Bristol Marsh: an important freshwater tidal marsh. Volunteers could choose to join crews removing trash from the marsh banks and trails or join DCNR guides with kayaks for a cleanup of the river and marsh. The more waste we collected, the less trash washed into our waterways.We had a huge turnout of incredibly thoughtful and motivated volunteers who helped us clean up a total of 1,200lbs of trash! 10 YEARS OF AMPHIBIAN CONSERVATION With the help of Heritage Conservancy volunteers, 734amphibians of 12 different species successfully crossed during the tenth year of the Amphibian Crossing Program. We want to send a special thank you to the 20 individuals who donated their time to help save thesevulnerable critters; this conservation effort would not be possible without you!Volunteers also joined a vernal pool tour to learn more about these vulnerablecritters and what they can do to help them.11'