Heritage Conservancy Earns National Recognition For Strong Commitment to Public Trust and Conservation Excellence

One thing that unites us as a nation is land: Americans strongly support saving the open spaces they love. Since 1958, Heritage Conservancy has been doing just that for the people of Bucks County. Now, Heritage Conservancy announced its national land trust accreditation has been renewed – proving once again that it is committed to […]

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A Native Pollinator Meadow at Jackson Pond Preserve

The 4-acre native pollinator meadow at our Jackson Pond Preserve is celebrating its first official summer in bloom! To plant a successful meadow, it takes a lot of preparation at the site, and after two years of planting, tilling, and cutting back by our stewardship team, the meadow has been released to grow. And has […]

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Interns to the Rescue! Our Midsummer Recap

In May, four new interns joined the Heritage Conservancy ranks to expand their knowledge of conservation and the environment and to learn what it’s like to work for a non-profit land trust. Susan Slawinsky (Keystone College graduate, attending East Stroudsburg University for graduate school this fall), Zack Moyer (Delaware Valley University graduate), Dylan Fleisher (Indiana […]

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Let Fallen Trees Lie

On neat, manicured lawns, any stray dandelion or pile of leaves is quickly removed for the sake of appearances. In the woods, it’s a different story. When a willow tree fell on our Russell-Mandel Preserve in Buckingham Township (which is the site for our Farm to Table dinner at the end of July!), our conservation […]

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A Fun and Muddy Field Trip to Quakertown Swamp

At the beginning of May, the Seventh Generation Charter School from Emmaus took an exciting field trip to our Quakertown Swamp Preserve! After last year’s trip to Bristol Marsh and Croydon Woods (with 53 third grade students and about 10 chaperones and teachers), the school chose to visit the Swamp this year for a new […]

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When to Leave Wildlife Alone

It’s a fairly common scenario: A leisurely walk through the woods turns into a wildlife rescue mission when a well-intentioned human spots a baby animal all by its lonesome. In reality, not every solitary creature is injured or orphaned! Fawns and baby bunnies, for instance, are often left alone by their mothers as they go […]

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For Historic Building Repairs, Ask the Professionals

We’re making a list, and owners of historic structures will want to check it twice! Many who read our President Jeff Marshall’s recent article on the demolition of three Bucks County barns were left wondering what could be done to prevent other surviving structures from facing the same fate. Proper care of old buildings is […]

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    1. Volunteer Information Session

      March 27 @ 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm
    2. Aldie Spring Garden Cleanup

      April 1 @ 9:30 am - 3:30 pm
    3. Supporting Environmental Literacy Across the Curriculum with the MWEE Framework

      April 9 @ 9:00 am - 3:00 pm
    4. Kindness Rocks

      April 11 @ 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm
    5. Mulch Madness

      April 15 @ 9:30 am - 3:30 pm