News & Events

The Duval Property Added to Heritage Conservancy’s Register of Historic Places

Thanks to the hard work and dedication of Laure Duval, her property in Tinicum Township has now become the latest addition to Heritage Conservancy’s Register of Historic Places! Also known as the Anderson Farm, Duval’s property derives its name from one of its most notable owners, Frederick O. Anderson, the first advertising editor of Life […]

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A Lunch and Learn For Land Preservation

This month, Heritage Conservancy co-hosted the first educational luncheon of a three-part series alongside Glenmede, an investment and private wealth management firm. More than 35 people attended this luncheon that focused around a panel discussion about the tax benefits of land preservation. Lisa Whitcomb, Director of Wealth Strategy at Glenmede, provided valuable insight into the […]

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Keeping Active Outdoors This Fall

It’s that time of year again–the beach towels are packed away, the empty sunscreen bottles thrown into the recycling bin, our tans slowly fading with the daylight. Another summer has passed and the kids are back in school, meaning less time for them to get outdoors and enjoy all that nature has to offer–or does […]

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Seeing Change: A Message from Heritage Conservancy’s President

Last month, while attending an Alliance for Watershed Education conference, I witnessed the most remarkable evidence of the positive aspects of our work along the Delaware River. For the first time in my life, I saw a bald eagle chasing an osprey, which had captured a fish. This was on the shore adjoining Petty’s Island […]

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An Interview with Summer Fellow, Amberly Choi

This summer, Heritage Conservancy had the pleasure of welcoming summer Fellow, Amberly Choi, in partnership with the Alliance for Watershed Education (AWE). Amberly received her Associate’s degree in Psychology at Bucks County Community College before earning her Bachelor’s in Psychology at Temple University with a Certificate in Spanish. A Bucks County native, she has now […]

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The Simple Yet Significant Act of Counting Bats

Summer isn’t only the season of flip flops, beach towels, and outdoor BBQ’s–it’s bat season as well! Each summer, Heritage Conservancy staff members go to a property in Tinicum Township to count bats. Summer months are when bats typically use human structures to roost and rear their pups. We are also fortunate to have volunteers […]

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Endangered Species Act Changes Will Affect Land Protection

The recent rollback of the Endangered Species Act (ESA) should have everyone concerned. It certainly has our attention due to our work in protecting wildlife habitat. Since the law passed with bipartisan support in 1973, the Endangered Species Act has been extremely effective: Ninety-nine percent of plant and animal species protected by the ESA have […]

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Heritage Conservancy Earns National Recognition For Strong Commitment to Public Trust and Conservation Excellence

One thing that unites us as a nation is land: Americans strongly support saving the open spaces they love. Since 1958, Heritage Conservancy has been doing just that for the people of Bucks County. Now, Heritage Conservancy announced its national land trust accreditation has been renewed – proving once again that it is committed to […]

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Maximuck’s Farm Market in Buckingham Township Now Protected Under Conservation Easement

When it comes to Bucks County’s most iconic properties, there are few as beloved as Maximuck’s Farm Market in Buckingham Township. Ideally located at the corner of Long Lane and Street Road, the expansive 102-acre property has been family owned and operated for more than six decades. Created through the dedication, vision and hard work […]

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EPA Awards Heritage Conservancy “Excellence in Reuse” For Work at Croydon Woods

In front of an audience of over 50 people, Heritage Conservancy received the “Excellence in Reuse” award on Friday, August 2nd, from the US Environmental Protection Agency for its reuse of Croydon Woods Nature Preserve, which was previously designated as a Superfund site but has since been remediated. EPA established the “Excellence in Reuse” award […]

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